Donut System
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Revision as of 21:48, 27 September 2006 by Slice (Talk | contribs) (→Incomplete list of released Donut System productions)
Donut System was a group created by Slice. Although he'd just been accepted into The Firm, he decided to create his own group.
Member list
- Slice (Tom Dean) (disczine editor, swapper, coder)
- BoGGer! (Justin Williams)( graphist, swapper)
- Shades (Robert Sparrow) (musician, swapper, PD librarian (RSPD))
- Maniac (Jon Woodley) (coder, graphist, swapper)
- Three (Andrew Thelwell) (Amiga - graphist and editor of the unreleased discmag DMA (Donut Mag Amiga))
Disc and Tom-Pouce (editor of Eurostrad) agreed to join, but they didn't really want affiliation with a group.
Incomplete list of released Donut System productions
- AniManiac (sprite handling utility, Maniac)
- BePSiL Generations (demo, BoGGer! and Slice)
- Donut Bomb! (demo, BoGGer! and Slice)
- Donut Mag (disczine, two issues)
- Donut System BitmaPixel demo (joke demo, Slice)
- Fat Ass (demo, BoGGer! and Slice)
- Insanity (demo, Slice)
- Otto issue 4 intro (demo, Slice)
- Sewerside Meeting Demo (demo, BoGGer!, Shades and Slice)
- Shite Part (demo, Slice, made for Take Off Megademo... music was by Palm Coding from a preview he gave Slice, when Palm Coding pulled Slice up on this, Slice said "Well, you should feel good about it because I love that track!" Ah, to be so brazen again.
- The Essential Digitracker Selection (Digitracker collection, Maniac)
- The Ultimate Digitracker Collection (Digitracker collection, Slice, blatant rip off of Maniac's idea)
- You Stole My Lawnmower! (little demo, Slice)
List of Donut System meetings
- Sewerside Meeting (Summer 1995 - Shades, BoGGer!, Slice)
- BePSiL Meeting (Winter 1995-1996 - BoGGer!, Slice, Three)
- Mini Milk Meeting (Spring 1996 - BoGGer!, Slice, Dynamo)
- Spoon? Meeting (Summer 1996 - Shades, BoGGer!, Slice, Nich, Dynamo, Three)
Links to current websites by Donut System members
- - BoGGer!'s web site, which contains no CPC info whatsoever:
- - Slice's new Myspace page, also with no CPC info!:
The side on pic of the Memorex skeleton with fairly long hair and glasses in BoGGer!'s site is Slice, way back in 1995.
He has an older web site, I just need to find it.