From CPCWiki - THE Amstrad CPC encyclopedia!
DIY Hardware Projects
Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects...
Communication - RS232 / PC Connection
Floppy Drives
- ABBA switch (swap drive A: and B:)
- Connecting a 3.5" drive to a CPC6128/664
- Connecting a 3.5" drive to a CPC6128/664 (with photos)
- Modify PC floppy drives to work on a CPC
- Side Select Switch (force AMSDOS to use Side B)
Mass Storage
Power Supply
Real Time Clocks
- ACU Realtime Clock (without year counter)
- CPCI Real Time Clock
ROM / RAM Expansions
- ACU Romboard
- CPC4MB - 4 MB memory expansion
- Inicron RAM-Box
- Inicron ROM-RAM-Box
- Practical Electronics ROMBoard Project
- Digiblaster Sound Card (8bit DAC on printer port)
- SP0256 Speech Synthesizer for Printer Port
TV / Monitors
- Converting an MP1 into an MP2
- Getting a CPC to work with an LCD or plasma TV
- PCAI Video Modulator
- TV SCART cables
Hardware Repair
How to's / Tutorials
- A Guide to running software on a real CPC!
- Transfering Alkatraz protected tapes and most games!
- Willem Programmer - how to program eproms using the Willem eprom programmer.