
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

7 bytes added, 11:58, 26 November 2017
/* BASIC program to load the PCW driver from a DOM or CF card */
* Load Mallard BASIC and enter the program. It's easier if you type AUTO 10 first. Take care with the entering of variable names, most of them have a % at the end (integer).
* Save the BASIC program down before running it. SAVE "get-xdrv.bas"
* Return to CP/M. by typing SYSTEM
* Copy get-xdrv.bas onto your boot disk and run it from there. From CP/M: BASIC get-xdrv
* You should see a progress bar as the FID is loaded from the DOM. The activity light on the uIDE should be flashing.
* You should see the sign-on message "PCW IDE Extended Driver Copyright (C) Jon Bradbury"
* You should also see a list of available drives.
* Try a entering DIR C:. if it shows a list of files, your uIDE is working! Otherwise, there's something wrong and you will need to check your assembly. If I assembled it, contact me immediately.
* It is wise to make a backup of the xdrv.fid file and the BASIC retrieval program onto a separate floppy disk.