
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1,002 bytes removed, 15:19, 26 March 2017
/* Correct way to connect the uIDE boards to the computer's expansion port */
* The Z80 shims are fitted with unboxed pin headers to save space. Pin 1 is labelled "A11" and has a square pad.
* 40 way IDC cables identify the side where pin 1 is situated by having the outer wire coloured (usually red). Look at the pictures (especially of the Z80 shims) and ensure you fit it correctly.
== Correct way to connect the uIDE boards to the computer's expansion port ==
=== PCW 8000 series machines ===
The PCW expansion port adapters are connected to the back of the PCW 8256 / 8512 '''with the power light at the top'''.
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:8256-uIDE-8 connection.jpg|thumb|Correct way to fit the expansion port adapter to the back of a PCW 8256: LED at the top.]]
=== PCW 9000 series machines ===
The PCW expansion port adapters are connected to the back of the PCW 9512 '''with the power light to the right'''.
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:9512-uIDE-8 connection.jpg|thumb|The right way to connect uIDE-8 to a 9512 expansion porrt: LED on the RIGHT.]]
=== CPC6128 machines ===
The 6128 expansion port adapter is connected to the back of the PCW 9512 '''with the power light to the right'''.
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:6128-uIDE-16 connection.jpg|thumb|Correct way to fit the expansion port adapter to the back of a CPC6128: LED on the right hand side.]]
== Fitting a Z80 shim to the PCW 8000 series ==