
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1,601 bytes added, 11:57, 10 March 2017
=== Limitations ===
* The driver implements a CP/M format on the IDE device, so it is not directly readable on a PCusing the Windows File Manager. '''In other wordsHowever, you cannot can use it as Win32DiskImager to get a PC-PCW transfer device'''copy of the entire disk, then cpmtools to extract files or put them back onto the disk image (see below).
* uIDE may not be compatible with certain types of IDE device (CF cards, DOMs).
* There is no driver support for IDE CD drives.
* Drive G: is empty.
=== Copying the disk image to an IDE device ===
I use a special cable setup to connect a DOM to my PC via USB for image transfers.
* If you are using a CF card, you can connect it to your PC with a standard USB-CF card adapter.
'''==== To transfer the uIDE image..'''under Linux ==== 
Use the Linux '''dd''' command to do this, but take care that the of= parameter is pointing to your IDE card. Use GParted to verify this.
..and be aware that dd is also known as "disk destroyer" because if you get it wrong your hard disk may be wiped.
'''==== To retrieve transfer the uIDE driver from image under Windows ====* Connect the transfer rig to your PC* Insert the IDE device'''and power it up.* If Windows Explorer does not show the drive it is unformatted or uninitialised. Initialise it first via "Computer Management" (On the Start menu, under All Programs -> Windows Administrative Tools, or Run -> compmgmt.msc). Click the Storage / Disk Management item in the left hand side of the screen and you should see the IDE device in the main pane. Right-click on the button labelled "Disk n Unknown" (n depends on how many drives you have) and select "Initialise Disk". Select MBR and click OK. Now click on the "Unallocated" block for the disk and select "New Simple Volume", then (in the New Simple Volume Wizard, click Next, Next, Next, Next, Finish). If you get a popup sayng the disk needs to be formatted, cancel it, because the Disk manager is already doing it. Now, go back to Windows Explorer and you should see a disk called "New Volume". Note the drive letter.* Launch Win32Imager. Select the drive letter of your CF card or DOM on the right of the window and choose the image file on the left, then click the "Write" button. Check that the confirmation dialog box shows the correct drive letter, then click "OK". You should now see a progress bar as the image is written to the IDE device. When complete, a small widow will pop up saying "Write successful." Click the OK button and close win32imager.* You should now have a prepared uIDE hard drive. Disconnect the imaging cable and power down the IDE device. Plug it into the uIDE adapter.
* If you ordered a DOM from me, it will have ==== To retrieve the uIDE image in place.* Otherwise, use dd or other Windows imaging program to transfer driver from the uIDE image to a DOM or CF card.IDE device ====* Now, follow Follow the instructions above (the BASIC program) to retrieve the xdriver FID file from the IDE device. You After rebooting your computer, you should now be able to explore the disk image.
'''==== Short disclaimer'''====
''The uIDE disk image is supplied "as-is" and the copyrights of the respective authors are acknowledged. Please do not PM me if you encounter problems with any of the applications - ask on the CPCWiki PCW forum (or better still, the VCF CP/M forum). There is no guarantee that all applications will work on your machine; they are CP/M 2.2 programs provided with the intention of helping to get you started with your uIDE device.''