
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

465 bytes added, 16:39, 9 March 2017
/* Copying to an IDE device */
'''To transfer the uIDE image..'''
Use the Linux '''dd''' command to do this, but take care that the of= parameter is pointing to your IDE card. Use GParted to verify this.
Use win32diskimager.exe (on the N8VEM Disk Tools zip The command is:  sudo dd if=uide-image-file) to copy of=the uIDE disk image to -device-of-your -IDE device-card Example:  sudo dd if=uIDE_download. img of=/dev/sdc If you have Linuxin doubt, you can also use '''read the dd''' to do thismanual by entering the command  man dd ..and be aware that dd is also known as "disk destroyer" because if you get it wrong your hard disk may be wiped.
'''To retrieve the uIDE driver from the IDE device'''
Follow * If you ordered a DOM from me, it will have the uIDE image in place.* Otherwise, use dd or other Windows imaging program to transfer the uIDE image to a DOM or CF card.* Now, follow the instructions above (the BASIC program) to retrieve the xdriver FID file from the IDE device. You should now be able to explore the disk image.
'''Short disclaimer'''