
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

121 bytes added, 08:45, 4 March 2017
/* Project status */
'''Update 01/03/17 (1):''' There is a problem with the uIDE-8 boards which will require replacing Q1, R5 and R6 with a small single inverter IC. An additional two jump wires will be required to connect the other 2 legs of the IC. Pictures to follow.
'''Update 01/03/17: (2)''' There is a problem with the uIDE-16 boards which prevent prevents the 8-bit addressing mode from working. The workaround is to cut two tracks on the underside of the board and fit two jumper wires. You only need to do this if you want to use the 8-bit addressing mode - if you are going to fit uIDE-16 to a CPC machine, there's no need to alter the board. Pictures of this alteration are on [ the CPC6128 uIDE-16 thread].
'''Update 01/03/17: (3)''' Both LHS and RHS shims passed testing. No issues.
'''Update 02/03/17''' [ First successful test of uIDE-16 and 6128 expansion port adapter.]
'''Update 04/03/17''' I have added a section below that lists the limitations of the device and its driver.
== Feature list ==