
Converted GX4000 Software

402 bytes added, 13:52, 7 February 2017
||[[Atomic - Extended Version]]|| 1992 || Fraggle & Duck || No || Converted by CraigsBar<br/>Allow intro to play through, it is followed by the Game Menu || [[Media:Atomic - Extended Version.rar | Atomic - Extended Version.rar]]
||[[ATV Simulator]]|| 1988 || Codemasters Software || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Pause/Unpause, GX4000 Pause = Quit. || [[Media:ATV Simulator.rar | ATV Simulator.rar]]
||[[Auf Wiedersehen Monty]]|| 1987 || Gremlin Graphics Software || No || Converted by dragon<br/>GX4000 Pause=Abandon, J1B2=Fly in Airport. || [[Media:Auf Wiedersehen Monty.rar | Auf Wiedersehen Monty.rar]]
||[[Victory Road - The Pathway To Fear]]|| 1988 || Ocean Software || No || Converted by dragon<br/>On title screen, use Button 1, define Joy1, then Up, define Toggle for P2<br/>Button 1 for 1 Player, Up for 2 players || [[Media:Victory Road - The Pathway To Fear.rar|Victory Road - The Pathway To Fear.rar]]
||[[Vindicator (The)]]|| 1988 || Ocean Software || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Part 1/2/3, J1B2=Toggle/Bombs/Toggle.<br/>GX4000 Pause=Pause (1X), Quit (2x). || [[Media:Vindicator (The).rar|Vindicator (The).rar]]
||[[Wanderer 3D]]|| 1988 || Elite Systems || No || Converted by Urusergi<br/>J2B1=3D/Mono, J2B2=Quit, J2UP/DN=Speed Up/Down,J1B2+Direction=Fast Turn || [[Media:Wanderer 3D.rar | Wanderer 3D.rar]]