

102 bytes added, 12:40, 1 February 2017
/* TODO : Vadjust lines */
Vadjust is adding lines at end of v_counter, so after V-SYNC. So it is adding a black line. Question : are all Vadjust line black ones ?
In r005.8.12, -LittleOne demo raster arrives one line too late, and prehistoric II seems hiding line one line too late resulting a pixel-garbage line. This same pixel-garbage line are visible in somes demo, like Blocus, Batman Forever (several times one pixel-garbage line) and battro (10 following pixel-garbage lines in this last one: palette rotating problem ?)
Some hypothesis :
* VRAM is not writing pixels at this moment, resulting on a "not newly written line" (badly out of DISP)
* palette offset is badly shifted, palette "masked-line" coming just after data "not newly written line" ?
* bad HSYNC interrupt
* bad v_counter range