
Steve Carey

15 bytes added, 01:04, 10 December 2014
'''Did they [AA] use CPCs to write the magazine to begin with I read somewhere years ago that they did.'''
Yes indeed we did. When I joined in 1987 (is that right?) we were just going over to Macs. But I do recall Pat McDonald in particular, and maybe also Trenton Webb, were real CPC users.
'''What happened to the games they [AA] reviewed? did they have to give them back, or did they keep them? and did they skip any or take any home?'''
We kept them in the office as a games library. I guess staff used to take ones they really wanted.
'''Were the games given to them [AA] in a finished form with boxes and instructions or a disc with the name scribbled on it?'''
Some and some. Usually as I recall it was the finished product.