
Amstrad Magnum Phaser

705 bytes added, 16:34, 27 May 2014
The other supplied games were fun for a while, but by far the high point was Operation Wolf.
Quite irritating is == Using the fact that each time you shoot, gun == You should position yourself 1.2m from the whole screen has to flash monitor. Make sure there are no reflections on your monitor from other sources otherwise the gun will detect this and off.give false results.A dark room is best.
== Technical ==
The gun senses light intensity. When it detects light it will generate an edge on the LPEN input of the CRTC. This causes the CRTC to remember the current address.
Most games will blank the screen to black and put white rectangles on the targets on the screen. This is done to make sure the gun detects these regions and not other bright pixels on the screen. This can be quite distracting while playing the game.
The accuracy is 1 CRTC character (R9 lines in height - normally 8) and 2 bytes horizontally. This is due to the way the CRTC outputs are mapped to memory addresses.
Connects to expansion port 50pin edge connector. It uses only 4