
Multiface II

309 bytes removed, 20:45, 15 May 2013
A project was begun to remake the multiface (by Giant of cpc-hardware). Details are [ here] (in French). For posterity, all the information and files from that page have been gathered and are available in this zip file: [[|]].
The reverse engineering of the multiface II is not quite complete, in that two versions of one of the PAL chips are apparently in the wild, and only one has been reverse engineered, and that one not completely. It's unclear what the newer version of that the PAL chip is for, but CPC+ support would seem likely. None Until the less PAL chip is decoded, there should be is not enough here information to build a replica multiface II, though it might not work on complete the CPC+. One thing missing from the site linked above is a .EQN file for one of the PALs, IC3 (the same one for which two versions exist), but after tracking down a tool it has been generated and is available as IC3_OLD.EQN in the zip. (The EQN files detail the boolean input/output equations implemented by the chip)remake.