
Croco Chanel N°4

276 bytes removed, 12:34, 28 September 2006
If you are interested to come, drop a mail now to [[Candy]] of [[Overlanders]] to give him what dates are the best for you or ask any further information : ''broudin (dot) sebastien (at) laposte (dot) net''
* Croco Chanel #4 participants list :
** ''France''*** [[Ast]] of [[Impact]] and ex-[[Ast System]] (''France'')*** [[Beb]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')*** [[Candy]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')*** [[Cjc]] of [[Croco Computeur Club]] (''France'')*** [[Cmp]] of [[Impact]] and ex-[[Paradox]] (''France'')*** [[Cracky]] of [[Mortel]] (''France'')*** [[Digit]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Eliot]] of [[Benediction]] (''France'')*** [[Fenyx Kell]] (''France'')*** [[Fred Crazy]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Grim]] of [[Arkos]] (''France'')*** [[Hermol]] (''France'')*** [[Jamian]] (''France'')*** [[Ker]] (''France'')*** [[Longshot]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Madram]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')*** [[Overflow]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Poum]] of ex-french magazine [[Amstrad Cent Pour Cent]] (''France'')* [[Prodatron]] of [[SymbiosiS]] (''Germany'')** [[Rainbow Software]] (''France'')*** [[Rubi]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Roudoudou]] (''France'')*** [[Septh]] of ex-french magazine [[Amstrad Cent Pour Cent]] (''France'')*** [[Shap]] of [[Overlanders]] (''France'')*** [[Sid]] of [[Impact]] (''France'')*** [[Slash]] of [[Logon System]] (''France'')*** [[Supersly]] (''France'')*** [[Targhan]] of [[Arkos]] ( ** ''FranceGermany'')*** [[Prodatron]] of [[SymbiosiS]]
One of the coolest CPC meeting is back ! Be there !
Some pictures of [[Croco Chanel N°1]], [[Croco Chanel N°2]] and [[Croco Chanel N°3]]