
Presto News

743 bytes added, 19:22, 26 September 2006
Presto News was the fanzine edited by Matt Gullam, proprietor of [[Presto PD]] and also known as [[Akira]]. It focused on PD software but also had strong CPC news and gossip coverage. A5 in format and heavily influenced by [[Artificial Intelligence]], it too was produced using [[PowerPage]].

Matt eventually decided to move the fanzine to disc, to be called Grace Under Pressure after a song by his favourite band, Rush. Code was to be written by the [[Bitmap Vandals]].

Grace Under Pressure was never released. Instead, the fanzine changed its name again, to [[BTL|Better Than Life]], a reference to the Red Dwarf TV comedy. [[ChaRleyTroniC]] and [[Hangman]] joined as co-editors and the new fanzine enjoyed notoriety for its four issues.