
Locomotive BASIC

226 bytes added, 19:58, 18 August 2012
/* SOUND */
(Bit 7) &x10000000 = 128 = Flush
:'''P:''' the period number can be a figure between 0 and 4095(2^12-1), where 8 octaves are available. E.g. Octave 0 starts on middle C with number 478.: To calculate the period you can use following formula: '''period=1,000,000/(16*frequency)''' or in short '''period=(65,000/frequency)''': (e.g. the note "A" with the frequency 440 Hz has the period 142 on the CPC)
:'''D:''' the duration of the note is measured in 1/100th of a second and can be any positive number in the range 1-32,767. 0 and negative number are in combination with ENT and ENV commands usefull. A negative number means repititions.