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/* Extra info for interest regarding Earl White, the person who set up Amstrad Australia and managed the technical support division. He previously worked with AWA */
Mr. White set up Quarterdeck Australia in July 1992 and took over as General Manager in July 1995.Under his direction,
Quarterdeck's products lead the Utilities Software Australian market as top sellers, increasing sales 60 % over a two year period.
Prior to Quarterdeck , '''Mr. White established helped establish Amstrad Australia where he managed the technical support division.'''During Mr. White's leadershipthis time, Amstrad became the first PC company in Australia to outsell IBM in the PC arena.'''Mr. White also held product management positions at Amstrad and Mitsubishi-AWA.'''He acquired his Bachelors of Science ( Hons ) in computing , maths and physics from the Macquaria University, Australia.Copyright © 1999 , 2000 Access International , LLC - All Rights Reserved.<br><br>Source:<br>http://www.accessFor information about the history of Amstrad in Australia and New Zealand, e-intmail Earl White at