
Small C

1,231 bytes added, 13:31, 20 December 2011
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / Link: <u><font color="#810081">[]</font></u>)<!-- /tagline --><!-- subtitle -->
''Small C implements int and char, no float, no double, no structure (handled as arrays of contiguous objects instead), no union, no long, no short, no unsigned (int's & char's are signed per K&R), no auto (as keyword; autos are implemented as stack objects), no external (as keyword; provisionally asm globals), no register, no typedef, no static (as keyword; static's are data grouped at the end of code), no goto, return yes, no sizeof, break yes, continue yes, if yes, else yes, no for(;;), no do, while yes, no switch (substituted as list of 'if's'), no case, no default, no entry, .. #include yes, #define yes, #asm..#endasm yes (a near imperative extention). No prototypes, not ansi-c syntaxed, K&R syntax yes.''
''main (argc, argv)&nbsp;; This syntax is accepted by small-c but its implementation is so system dependant that Cain wisely chose to ask the operator for parameter inputs thru 'console input' rather than command line parameters to sidestep this implementation detail until a later time.''
(From "The -fbin Project / Small-C / Link: <u><font color="#810081">[]</font></u>)
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