
Locomotive BASIC

981 bytes added, 07:35, 14 September 2006
/* Commands and operators */ - Added subcategories
=== Commands and operators ===
==== AFTER I[,t] GOSUB Ln ====
: Waits for i/50 seconds and then jumps to the subruotine at line Ln.
;==== AUTO [Ln, i]====
: Automaticaly generates line numbers starting at line Ln with increment i between line numbers.
: Use [ESC to leave AUTO mode. Default value for Ln and i is 10.
::AUTO 100,5 - generates line numbers 100, 105, 110...
;==== BORDER====
: [...]
;==== CALL add[,list of parameters]====
: Allows an externally developed subroutine to be called by BASIC
::CALL 0 - resets the computer completely
;==== CAT====
: Displays the names of all existing programes on the tape or disk.
::CAT [ENTER] - lists names of all tape files in their storage order
;==== CHAIN====
: [...]
;==== CHAIN MERGE====
: [...]
;==== CLEAR====
: Clears all variables from memory, leaving the program in memory unchanged. All open files are abandoned.
;==== CLG [ink]====
: Clears the graphics screen to colour specified by ink. If parameter ink is not specified them the graphics screen is cleared to the colour specified by the GRAPHICS PAPER statement.
;==== CLOSEIN====
: [...]
;==== CLOSEOUT====
: [...]
;==== CLS====
: [...]
;==== CONT====
: [...]
;==== CURSOR====
: [...]
;==== DATA====
: [...]
;==== DEF====
: [...]
;==== DEFINT====
: [...]
;==== DEFREAL====
: [...]
;==== DEFSTR====
: [...]
;==== DEG====
: [...]
;==== DELETE====
: [...]
;==== DI====
: Disables interrupts (but not[ESC]) until re-enabled by EI command or by RETURN at end of an interrupts service routine.
;==== DIM====
: [...]
;==== DRAW x,y [,[i1][,i2]]====
: Draws a line from the current cursor position to position x,y. i1 specifies colour, i2 is the logical colour.
::DRAW 500,400,0 - draws a line from 0,0 to 500,400
;==== DRAWR xr, y2, [[i1][,i2]]====
: Draws a line from current graphics cursor position to current cursor x position + xr, current cursor y position + yr. i1 and i2 as DRAW.
:: DRAWR 100,100,0 - draws a line from 200,200 to 300,300
;==== EDIT====
: [...]
;==== EI====
: Enable interrupts which have been disabled by DI
;==== END====
: Indicates end of program
;==== ENT====
: [...]
;==== ENV====
: [...]
;==== ERASE v[$(i1[,i2])====
: Clears the contents of an array that is no longer required.
;==== ERL====
: [...]
;==== ERROR i====
: Returns the error message whose error code number is i.
;==== EVERY====
: [...]
;==== FILL i====
: Fills an area of a graphics screen i colour i (0-15). Default value of i is the current graphics pen colour. Only available in Basic 1.1.
;==== FN====
: [...]
;==== FOR TO STEP NEXT====
: [...]
;==== FRAME====
: Smooths character and graphics movement and reduces flicker (waits for a VSYNC signal). Only available in Basic 1.1. On a CPC 464 you can use CALL &BD19 instead.
;==== GOSUB i====
: Jumps to subroutine which is given as argument.
: ''Example:''
;==== GOTO i====
: Jumps to the line number which is given as argument.
: ''Example:''
;==== GRAPHICS====
: [...]
;==== IF THEN ELSE====
: [...]
;==== INK====
: [...]
;==== INPUT====
: [...]
;==== KEY====
: [...]
;==== LET====
: [...]
;==== LINE====
: [...]
;==== LIST====
: [...]
;==== LOAD====
: [...]
;==== LOCATE====
: [...]
;==== MASK====
: [...]
;==== MEMORY====
: [...]
;==== MERGE====
: [...]
;==== MID$====
: [...]
;==== MODE====
: [...]
;==== MOVE====
: [...]
;==== MOVER====
: [...]
;==== NEW====
: [...]
;==== ON BREAK====
: [...]
;==== ON ERROR====
: [...]
;==== OPENIN====
: [...]
;==== OPENOUT====
: [...]
;==== ORIGIN====
: [...]
;==== OUT====
: [...]
;==== PAPER====
: [...]
;==== PEN====
: [...]
;==== PLOT====
: [...]
;==== PLOTR====
: [...]
;==== POKE====
: [...]
;==== PRINT====
: [...]
;==== RAD====
: [...]
;==== RANDOMIZE====
: [...]
;==== READ====
: [...]
;==== RELEASE====
: [...]
;==== REM====
: [...]
;==== REM====
: [...]
;==== RENUM====
: [...]
;==== RESTORE====
: [...]
;==== RESUME====
: [...]
;==== RETURN====
: [...]
;==== RUN====
: [...]
;==== SAVE====
: [...]
;==== SOUND====
: [...]
;==== SPC====
: [...]
;==== SPEED====
: [...]
;==== SQ====
: [...]
;==== STOP====
: [...]
;==== SUB====
: [...]
;==== SWAP====
: [...]
;==== SYMBOL====
: [...]
;==== TAB====
: [...]
;==== TAG====
: [...]
;==== TAGOFF====
: [...]
;==== TROFF====
: [...]
;==== TRON====
: [...]
;==== USING====
: [...]
;==== WAIT====
: [...]
;==== WHILE WEND====
: [...]
;==== WIDTH====
: [...]
;==== WINDOW====
: [...]
;==== WRITE====
: [...]
;==== ZONE====
: [...]