
Locomotive BASIC

512 bytes added, 07:23, 14 September 2006
/* Commands and operators */ - 'Fill', 'Frame' only for Basic 1.1 / added 'Gosub' and 'Goto'
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: Fills an area of a graphics screen i colour i (0-15). Default value of i is the current graphics pen colour. Only available in Basic 1.1.
: Smooths character and graphics movement and reduces flicker(waits for a VSYNC signal). Only available in Basic 1.1. On a CPC 464 you can use CALL &BD19 instead.
;GOSUBi: [Jumps to subroutine which is given as argument.: ''Example:''<pre>10 PRINT "Calling subroutine"20 GOSUB 10030 PRINT "Back from subroutine"40 END100 REM Begin of the subroutine110 PRINT "Subroutine started"120 RETURN</pre ;GOTO i: Jumps to the line number which is given as argument..]: ''Example:''<pre>10 GOTO 10020 REM not executed30 REM not executed100 PRINT "Hello World!"</pre>
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