
Locomotive BASIC

804 bytes added, 09:20, 13 September 2006
=== Commands and operators ===
;AFTERI[,t] GOSUB Ln: [Waits for i/50 seconds and then jumps to the subruotine at line Ln...] ;AUTO[Ln, i]: Automaticaly generates line numbers starting at line Ln with increment i between line numbers.: Use [ESC to leave AUTO mode.Default value for Ln and i is 10.::''Example:''::AUTO 100,5 - generates line numbers 100, 105, 110.].. 
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 ;CALL: add[...,list of parameters]: Allows an externally developed subroutine to be called by BASIC::''Example:''::CALL 0 - resets the computer completely 
: [..Displays the names of all existing programes on the tape or disk.::'''Examples:'''::CAT [ENTER] - lists all disk files in alpha-numeric order::TAPE [ENTER]::CAT [ENTER]- lists names of all tape files in their storage order 
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: [Clears all variables from memory, leaving the program in memory unchanged.All open files are abandoned..] 
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