
Disk drives

291 bytes added, 11:42, 16 June 2011
/* Number of Sides */
Number of sides is 1 (single sided) or 2 (double sided).
The number of sides determines the total capacity that this drive can access.
==== AMSDOS & Double sided drives ====
AMSDOS is designed for single sided drives. This means it will only read 1 side of a double sided disc.
To use both sides of a double sided disc you need another DOS (ParaDOS, ROMDOS etc).
The number of sides determines For 5.25" drives:* You can cut another write-protect notch on the other side. Then you can turn the disc over and insert it the total capacity that this drive other way up. For both drives:* Use another DOS on CPC, one which can accessread/write 2 sided discs (ParaDOS, ROMDOS etc).* Install a side switch. This gives you manual control over which side is accessed.
===Number of Tracks ===