

676 bytes added, 15:02, 12 June 2011
* A lot of games run well with 6 MHz. For example: Nebulus, StarFox, Starstrike and others.
* There is a 6 MHz version of FutureOS
== Advanced testing ==
* Only horizontal timing of the CRTC is affected.In order to get a stable image , you need to program register 0 at 95 (96 characters line) and Register 2 at 61 (centering for 40 characters default)
* Pixels pitch is 66,7% of their original pitch.Theses pictures show this fact (320*240 mode 1 pixels with black border)
Image:12062011055.JPG|Original CPC @16Mhz
Image:12062011054.JPG|Overclocked CPC @24Mhz
* This speed improvement is 16.66667%.This has been tested with this simple program :
10 i = 0
20 after 500 goto 100
25 cls
30 i = i +1
40 ? i
50 goto 30
100 end
Score is 258 on normal CPC versus 301 on 24Mhz CPC.