
Direct Disk to Cartridge Port

26 bytes added, 00:42, 15 May 2011
/* List of Almost Direct Disk to Cartridge Ports */
== List of Almost Direct Disk to Cartridge Ports ==
Some other cartridge games looked similar to the CPC version, but did have some enhancements. Some examples: 
*[[Crazy Cars 2 ( Cartridge )]] : sky smooth colourfull gradient or HUD re-coloured... added option such as the map.
*[[Fire and Forget 2 ( Cartridge )]] : added smooth sky gradient, fullscreen cinematic pages.
*[[Operation thunderbolt Thunderbolt (Cartridge )]] : PLUS palette used) .
*[[Wild Street Streets ( Cartridge )]] : mostly re-colouring to fit the better PLUS palette.
This was still better than the direct ports.