
Arcade Ports

15 bytes added, 12:32, 2 May 2011
/* Execution of the ports */
It is quite well known that while many european ports weren't good/well done, some Japneses Cartridges ports done by the original manufacturer for the demanding Japanese market on Japanese computers would be considered great ports. Some '''MSX''' cartridge games had the honnor of such attention.
<br> Many Arcade Manufacturer saw in the port of their arcade Hits only a way to get some extra cash from the licenses and franchise. Being mostly '''Japanese''', the Arcade Industry knew nothing about the European Home-Computer market and machines.
But *Being mostly '''AmericanJapanese''' companies also , the Arcade Industry knew nothing about the Amstrad CPCEuropean Home-Computer market and machines.
And they *But '''American''' companies also knew nothing about the Amstrad CPC.  Arcade manufacturers actually had few interest to have Home-Computer ports being as good as the Arcade original, as peoples would then no more pay for Arcade and only play at home.
Also the success in Europe/Western World of software based machines such as Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, IBM compatibles (MS-DOS PC) or ZX spectrum would not ease the portage of such games.
= List by manufacturer<br> =