

582 bytes added, 14:15, 21 January 2011
And the only market was France, where Amstrad litteraly raped Thomson's market shares in their homeland.
=Palette and Video Modes=
==MO5 and TO7==
The 1st generation of 8 bit thomson computers have a custom palette of 16 colours.
[[File:Screen color test Thomson MO5.png]][[File:MO5 TO7 palette.png]]
Quite comparable with the ZX Spectrum palette, it is indeed done with a range of medium and clear tones instead of dark and medium.
Also it is to notice that instead of having 2 Black, one was replaced by an Orange.
The Attribute system was comparable to MSX1 with attributes of 8x1 and 16 colours diplayable on screen (2 per attributes) superior to ZX Spectrum in almost every way.
*[ MO5 on Wikipedia (french)]