

4 bytes added, 14:51, 7 September 2006
/* Unlocking the FutureOS article */
== Unlocking the FutureOS article ==
Since many changes have been introcuced in this article, which aren't true, this article should be unlocked again - at least for me, the originatior of FutureOS. [[TFM]]
:: The Problem about that is, that YOU arent telling the truth about the features of your OS and make the article an advertisement. So IMHO its better to let others write about the FOS, so its more near reality :-) Nothing personal against you, but it looks like, that you are a bit to enthusiastic with your own shit :) [[User:Kangaroo|Kangaroo MusiQue of HJT]] 19:25, 5 September 2006 (CEST)