

13 bytes added, 12:36, 6 September 2006
Help me please, I've uploaded Bajtek scan which was quite big and Wiki produced warinig about size and asked me, if she should save it or will I re-upload the image. I've clicked the "save" button, added the picture to the article, but now it doesn't work. What is more a problem, is that I cannot edit now, to remove this image from article!--[[User:Torn|Torn]] 14:29, 6 September 2006 (CEST)
: Hi Torn.... Have you lost the article? ... If so, I do have a copy of it in my cache! I was changing a typo in a filename link in a picture linkof yours!(!!) I do not hope that I have caused any harm... If so let me know and I will submit your article under a new article name... and some sysop can the then remove the old article and rename to the new on!!! .. :-(