
Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes

280 bytes added, 19:47, 9 September 2010
/* DMP2xxx/3xxx Printer Codes (sorted by number) */
|09 ||9 ||HT ||Tab
|Horizontal tab(see ESC "D")
|0A ||10 ||LF ||Feed
|0B ||11 ||VT ||Tab
|Vertical Tab(see ESC "B", ESC "b" and ESC "/")
|0C ||12 ||FF ||Feed
|1B 2F c ||27 47 c ||ESC "/" c ||Tab
|Select vertical tab channel (c=0..7); channels can be defined via ESC "b"
|1B 30 ||27 48 ||ESC "0" ||Feed
|Select n/72 inch line spacing (n=0..85)
|1B 42 .. 00 ||27 66 0 ||ESC "B" NUL ||Tab|Clear Vertical tabs|-|1B 42 tabs 00 ||27 66 tabs .. 0 ||ESC "B" tabs .. NUL ||Tab|Select Define up to 16 vertical tabs where tabs are with ascending values from 1..255 ending ; specifying an empty list (ESC "B" NUL) clears vertical tabs; used with NULVT aka chr(0Bh); one can also define multiple vertical tab channels (see ESC "b" and ESC "/")
|1B 43 (00) n ||27 67 (0) n ||ESC "C" (NUL) n ||Feed
|Select Page length in lines or inches (n=1..127 lines, or 00h,1..22 inch)
|1B 44 .. 00 ||27 68 0 ||ESC "D" NUL ||Tab|Clears all horizontal tables|-|1B 44 tabs 00 ||27 68 tabs .. 0 ||ESC "D" tabs .. NUL ||Tab|Sets Define up to 32 horizontal tabs with ascending values from 1-..137. ; specifying an empty list (ESC "D" NUL or a value less than previous tab ends command.) clears all horizontal tabs; used with HT aka chr(09h)
|1B 45 ||27 69 ||ESC "E" ||Text Style
|Cancel double strike mode (also an bold-alike effect)
|1B 49 30 n ||27 73 48 n ||ESC "I" 0 n ||Char Code|Disable Printable codes expansion chr(0-31,128-159) (00h=Control Codes, 01h=Printable Characters) (not on LX80)|-|1B 49 31 ||27 73 49 ||ESC "I" 1 ||Char Code|Enable Printable codes expansion ;makes some of these characters printable (0-31,128-159unknown which ones) whilst others (presumably excluding 27?) (not on LX80like 1Bh)are always treated as control codes
|1B 4A n ||27 74 n ||ESC "J" n ||Feed
|1B 4B n1 n2 .. ||27 75 n1 n2 .. ||ESC "K" n1 n2 .. ||Graphics
|Single 8pin density graphics (Print 8-pin 60 -dpi) graphics (n2:n1 = num bytes followingsame as ESC "*" 0, see there) (480 dots/linedensity of ESC "K" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 4C n1 n2 .. ||27 76 n1 n2 .. ||ESC "L" n1 n2 .. ||Graphics
|Double 8pin density graphics (Print 8-pin 120 -dpigraphics (same as ESC "*" 1, see there) (960 dots/linedensity of ESC "L" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 4D ||27 77 ||ESC "M" ||Text Style
|1B 59 n1 n2 .. ||27 89 n1 n2 ||ESC "Y" n1 n2 ||Graphics
|Select 8pin HiPrint 8-speed double den graphics (pin 120 /2-dpigraphics (same as ESC "*" 2, see there) (density of ESC "Y" can be redefined via ESC "?")
|1B 5A n1 n2 .. ||27 90 n1 n2 ||ESC "Z" n1 n2 ||Graphics
|Select 8pin Quad density graphics (Print 8-pin 240 /2-dpigraphics (same as ESC "*" 3, see there) (1920 dots/8density of ESC "Z" can be redefined via ESC "?"line)|-
|1B 5E d n1 n2.. ||27 94 d n1 n2 ||ESC "^" d n1 n2 ||Graphics
|Select 9 pin graphics mode number of columns = n1 + (n2 * 256) (d=density, 0=single, 1=double) (specs doesndon't say if 2..6 do work too) (each column is a 2-byte pair: byte1.bit7..bit0=upper..lower, byte2.bit7=lowest, byte2.bit6..bit0=unused)|-|1B 62 c 00 ||27 98 c 0 ||ESC "b" c NUL ||Tab|Clear vertical tabs in channel (c=0..7)
|1B 62 c tabs .. 00 ||27 98 c tabs .. 0 ||ESC "b" c tabs .. NUL ||Tab|Select Define up to 16 vertical tabs in channels per channel (c=0..7) where tabs are with ascending values from 1..255 ending with ; specifying an empty list (ESC "b" c NUL) clears that vertical tab channel; channels are selected via ESC "/" and can be then used with chr(09h); there is also a similar command without channel-numbers (ESC "B")
|1B 69 n ||27 105 n ||ESC "i" n ||Misc