
Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes

5,721 bytes added, 22:57, 8 September 2010
/* NLQ401 Control Codes */
Caution: The NLQ401 firmware strips Bit7 of all incoming characters, so one is restricted to use 7bit codes, even if one does own an [[8bit Printer Ports|8bit Printer Port]]. Accordingly, only 7-pin graphics can be used, and some numeric parameters cannot be set to values with bit7=1.
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|''Hex'' ||''Decimal'' ||''ASCII'' ||''Type''
|09 ||9 ||HT ||Tab
|Horizontal tab
|0A ||10 ||LF ||Feed
|Line Feed (move to next line)
|0B ||11 ||VT ||Feed
|'''NLQ401-specific:''' acts as mirror of LF (non-Epson code)
|0C ||12 ||FF ||Feed
|Form Feed (move to next page)
|0D ||13 ||CR ||Misc
|Carriage Return
|0E ||14 ||SO ||Text Style
|Select double width for one line (unlike ESC W 0/1 continous)
|0F ||15 ||SI ||Text Style
|Select condensed mode
|12 ||18 ||DC2 ||Text Style
|Cancel condensed mode
|14 ||20 ||DC4 ||Text Style
|Cancel one line double width mode (unlike ESC W 0/1 continous)
|18 ||24 ||CAN ||Misc
|Cancel text in line (but not control codes)
|1B 2D n ||27 45 n ||ESC "-" n ||Text Style
|Underlining ON/OFF (00h=off, 01h=on)
|1B 30 ||27 48 ||ESC "0" ||Feed
|Select 9/72 inch aka 1/8 inch line spacing
|1B 31 ||27 49 ||ESC "1" ||Feed
|Select 7/72 inch line spacing
|1B 32 ||27 50 ||ESC "2" ||Feed
|Select 12/72 inch aka 1/6 inch line spacing<br>
'''NLQ401-specific:''' Can be DIP-switched to other spacing
|1B 33 n ||27 51 n ||ESC "3" n ||Feed
|Select n/216 inch line spacing (n=0..255) ('''NLQ401:''' supports only 7bit, 0..127)
|1B 36 ||27 54 ||ESC "6" ||Char Code
|'''NLQ401-specific:''' Use German charset
|1B 37 ||27 55 ||ESC "7" ||Char Code
|'''NLQ401-specific:''' Use US-ASCII charset
|1B 38 ||27 56 ||ESC "8" ||Misc
|Disable paper out sensor
|1B 39 ||27 57 ||ESC "9" ||Misc
|Enable paper out sensor
|1B 3C ||27 60 ||ESC "<" ||Misc
|Select unidirectional mode for one line (Move head home/parking)
|1B 3D .. 00 ||27 61 ... 0 ||ESC "=" ... 0 ||Char Code
|'''NLQ401-specifc:''' Print all following chr(01h..7Fh) as chr(81h..FFh) using CPC-style symbol; use chr(00h) to return to normal mode
|1B 41 n ||27 65 n ||ESC "A" n ||Feed
|Select n/72 inch line spacing (n=0..85)
|1B 43 00 n ||27 67 0 n ||ESC "C" NUL n ||Feed
|Select page length in inches (n=1..22)
|1B 43 n ||27 67 n ||ESC "C" n ||Feed
|Select page length in lines (n=1..127)
|1B 44 00 ||27 68 0 ||ESC "D" NUL ||?
|'''Unknown:''' Epson would define horizontal tabs - but might be another NLQ401-specific command
|1B 45 ||27 69 ||ESC "E" ||Text Style
|Select emphasized (bold) mode
|1B 46 ||27 70 ||ESC "F" ||Text Style
|Cancel emphasized (bold) mode
|1B 47 ||27 71 ||ESC "G" ||Text Style
|Select double strike mode (also an bold-alike effect)
|1B 48 ||27 72 ||ESC "H" ||Text Style
|Cancel double strike mode (also an bold-alike effect)
|1B 49 n ||27 73 n ||ESC "I" n ||Text Style
|'''NLQ401-specific:''' Select Draft/NLQ mode (01h=Draft, 03h=NLQ) (for Epson-compatibility, better use the ESC "x" code)
|1B 4A n ||27 74 n ||ESC "J" n ||Feed
|Perform One-shot n/216 inch line feed (n=0..255)
|1B 4B n1 n2 .. ||27 75 n1 n2 .. ||ESC "K" n1 n2 .. ||Graphics
|Single 8pin density graphics (60 dpi) (n2:n1 = num bytes following) (480 dots/line)
|1B 4C n1 n2 .. ||27 76 n1 n2 .. ||ESC "L" n1 n2 .. ||Graphics
|Double 8pin density graphics (120 dpi) (960 dots/line)
|1B 4E n ||27 78 n ||ESC "N" n ||Feed
|Select skip over perforation (n=1..127 lines)
|1B 4F ||27 79 ||ESC "O" ||Feed
|Cancel skip over perforation
|1B 53 n ||27 83 n ||ESC "S" n ||Text Style
|Select superscript/subscript (00h=Superscript, 01h=Subscript)
|1B 54 ||27 84 ||ESC "T" ||Text Style
|Cancel superscript/subscript
|1B 55 n ||27 85 n ||ESC "U" n ||Misc
|Unidirectional mode (00h=Off, faster, use bidirectional printing - 01h=On, slower, left-to-right, more accurate on vertical lines)
|1B 57 n ||27 87 n ||ESC "W" n ||Text Style
|Duble width mode ON/OFF (continous) (unlike DC4: one line) (00h=off, 01h=on)
|1B 59 n1 n2 .. ||27 89 n1 n2 ||ESC "Y" n1 n2 ||Graphics
|Select 8pin Hi-speed double den graphics (120 dpi)
|1B 5A n1 n2 .. ||27 90 n1 n2 ||ESC "Z" n1 n2 ||Graphics
|Select 8pin Quad density graphics (240 dpi) (1920 dots/8"line)
|1B 78 n ||27 120 n ||ESC "x" n ||Text Style
|Select Draft/NLQ mode (00h=Draft, 01h=NLQ)
|7F ||127 ||DEL ||Misc
|Delete last character from buffer (but not control codes) (works only when buffer isn't yet printer; printing usually starts on terminating lines via CRLF)<br>
'''Not confirmed if supported by NLQ401'''
== DMP2xxx/3xxx Printer Codes (sorted by number) ==