

72 bytes removed, 14:56, 5 December 2010
/* Links */ Changed name of heading, and modified links to CPC-POWER and TACGR
== '''Ratings''' ==
A simple and addictive arcade game for its time, ''[[Amstrad Computer User|ACU]] '' certainly felt it had its merits, their reviewer believing that it was "well worth a look at, although as it is such an addictive game its a shame there is only one screen to play."
These limitations and the passing of time meant that by the time ''[[Amstrad Action]]'' ran their eye over the programme it had lost a little of its edge declaring that while it was a nice idea for a game, that the gameplay was somewhat repetitive.
== '''Downloads & Materials''' ==
<gallery caption="Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingCatastrophes">
Image:Catastrophes Covertape (Amsoft).jpg|Cover & Instructions
== '''Weblinks''' Links ==
* {{CpcPowerCPCPower|527|Link to}}* {{Tacgr|1278|Link to Tacgr}}
* {{WorldOfSpectrum|0017879|Link to World of Spectrum}}
[[Category:Games]] [[Category:Games 1985]] [[Category:Arcade]]