
Amstrad Printers

285 bytes added, 14:24, 22 August 2010
/* Technical Specs */
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|''' '''||'''DMP1'''||'''LQ401'''||'''DMP2000/DMP2160'''||'''DMP3000/DMP3160/DMP3250di'''||'''DMP4000 (wide)'''||'''LQ3500/LQ3500di'''||'''LQ5000di (wide)'''||LD6000 (laser)
|Design||CPC||CPC||CPC||PCW (gray)||PCW (gray)||PC/PCW (gray)||PC/PCW (gray)||PC/PCW (gray)
|FamilyMaker||[[Seikosha]]||Centronics Data Computer Corp.||Amstrad?||[[Epson]]Amstrad?||[[Epson]]Amstrad?||[[Epson]]Amstrad?||Epson LQAmstrad?||Epson LQSharp
|PinsFamily||Unihammer?[[Seikosha]]||?||9pin[[Epson]]||[[Epson]]||9pin[[Epson]]||9pinEpson LQ||24pinEpson LQ||24pinHP Laserjet II
|BIOS ROMProcessor||2732 4kbyte EPROM (8DE-1)uPD8039LC||27128 16kbyte EPROMuPD7811||DMP2000/2160: 27128 16kbyte EPROMuPD7811G||DMP3000: 27256 16kbyte EPROMuPD7811G||27256 16kbyte EPROMuPD7811||64Kbyte+512Kbyte EPROMsuPD78310||3x ROM chipsuPD78310||?
|Buffer RAMBIOS ROM||2K2732 4kbyte EPROM (8DE-1)||?27128 16kbyte EPROM||DMP2000:2K ([[DMP2000/3000 Buffer Upgrade Kit|upgradeable]])<br>DMP21602160: 2K (see service manual)27128 16kbyte EPROM||DMP3000:2K ([[DMP2000/3000 Buffer Upgrade Kit27256 16kbyte EPROM|upgradeable]]) or 8K? (german DMP3000 service manual)<br>DMP3160/3250di: 8K (see leaflet)|27256 16kbyte EPROM|8K (see leaflet)|64Kbyte+512Kbyte EPROMs|8K (see leaflet) plus 8K (char RAM?)|3x ROM chips|8K (see leaflet)<br>total 4x8K (service manal)|?
|Number of Control CodesBuffer RAM||92K||?||?DMP2000:2K ([[DMP2000/3000 Buffer Upgrade Kit|upgradeable]])<br>DMP2160: 2K (see service manual)|?|DMP3000:2K ([[DMP2000/3000 Buffer Upgrade Kit|upgradeable]]) or 8K?(german DMP3000 service manual)<br>DMP3160/3250di: 8K (see leaflet)||8K (see leaflet)||8K (see leaflet) plus 8K (char RAM?)||8K (see leaflet)<br>total 4x8K (service manal)||?
|Print SystemNumber of Control Codes||Impact Dot-Matrix9||?||Impact Dot-Matrix?||Impact Dot-Matrix?||Wiredot-Matrix?||Impact Dot-Matrix?||Impact Dot-Matrix?||?
|Print directionSystem||Unidirectional (left to right)Impact Dot-Matrix||?||?Impact Dot-Matrix||?Impact Dot-Matrix||UniWiredot- and Bi-directional (selectable)Matrix||UniImpact Dot- and Bi-directional (selectable)Matrix||UniImpact Dot- and Bi-directional (selectable)Matrix||Laser Printer
|Print Speeddirection||50 CPSUnidirectional (left to right)||?||DMP2000: 105 CPS max<br>DMP2160:160 CPS?||DMP3000: 105 CPS ?||Uni- and Bi-directional (normal widthselectable)<br>52 CPS (double width)<br>DMP3160/DMP3250di: 160 CPS||200 CPS Uni- and Bi-directional (standard)<br>50 CPS (NLQselectable)||135Uni-160 CPSand Bi-directional (selectable)||240-288 CPS?
|Printing Characteristics<br>(vertical x horizontal)Print Speed||7 x 5 (plus spacing)50 CPS||?||9 x 9 (normal char)DMP2000: 105 CPS max<br>9 x 10 (double width char)<br>9 x chosen amount (9 pin bit-image)DMP2160:160 CPS||9 x 9 DMP3000: 105 CPS (normal charwidth)<br>9 x 10 52 CPS (expanded chardouble width)<br>9 x chosen amount DMP3160/DMP3250di: 160 CPS||200 CPS (9 pin bit-imagestandard)<br>8 x chosen amount 50 CPS (bit-imageNLQ)||9 x 9 (ASCII chars 135- table 1)<br>18 x 9 (ASCII chars - table 2)<br>12 x 11 (special chars - table 3.1 and 3.2)<br>24 x 11 (special chars - table 4.1 and 4.2)<br>8 x chosen amount (bit-image graphics)160 CPS||?240-288 CPS||?
|Character SetsPrinting Characteristics<br>(vertical x horizontal)||128 7 x 5 (actually only 96plus spacing) chars, 7bit ASCII, or international chars via DIP switches||?||96 characters ASCII + international character sets9 x 9 (normal char)<br>9 x 10 (double width char)<br>9 x chosen amount (9 pin bit-image)||96 characters ASCII + Italics + international character sets9 x 9 (normal char)<br>9 x 10 (expanded char)<br>9 x chosen amount (9 pin bit-image)<br>8 x chosen amount (bit-image)||9 x 9 (ASCIIchars -96, Italicstable 1)<br>18 x 9 (ASCII chars -96, NLQtable 2)<br>12 x 11 (special chars -96, NLQ Italicstable 3.1 and 3.2)<br>24 x 11 (special chars -96table 4.1 and 4.2)<br>International character sets8 x chosen amount (bit-9, Special characters-132image graphics)||?||?||?
|Normal Character SizeSets||?128 (actually only 96) chars, 7bit ASCII, or international chars via DIP switches||?||?96 characters ASCII + international character sets||2.1 (width) x 2.55 (height) mm96 characters ASCII + Italics + international character sets||ASCII-96, Italics-96, NLQ-96, NLQ Italics-96<br>International character sets-9, Special characters-132||?||?||?
|Dot SpacingNormal Character Size||1/60" (H) x 1/63" (V)?||?||?||2.1 (width) x 2.55 (height) mm||?||?||?||?
|Standard Dot Spacing||1/60" (PicaH) x 1/63" (V)||10 CPI?||?||10 CPI/80 CPL?||10 CPI/80 CPL?||10 CPI/136 CPL?||?||?
|Mini Standard (ElitePica)||-10 CPI||?||12 10 CPI/96 80 CPL||12 10 CPI/96 80 CPL||12 10 CPI/163 136 CPL||?||?||?
|CondensedMini (Elite)||-||?||17 12 CPI/137 96 CPL||?12 CPI/96 CPL||17 12 CPI/233 163 CPL||?||?||?
|Double Width StandardCondensed||(?)-||?||5 17 CPI/40 137 CPL||5 ?||17 CPI/40 233 CPL||?||?||?
|Double Width MiniStandard||-(?)||?||6 5 CPI/48 40 CPL||6 5 CPI/48 40 CPL||?||?||?||?
|Double Width CondensedMini||-||?||8.5 6 CPI/68 48 CPL||8.5 6 CPI/68 48 CPL||?||?||?||?
|Number of ColumnsDouble Width Condensed||80 columns-character mode<br>480 dot columns-graphics mode||?||80 (Standard)<br>40 (Double)<br>132 (Condensed)<br>66 (Double Width Condensed)8.5 CPI/68 CPL||80 (Standard)<br>40 (Double)<br>132 (Condensed)<br>66 (Double Width Condensed)8.5 CPI/68 CPL||136 (standard)<br>233 (condensed)?||?||?||?
|Line Feed RatesNumber of Columns||6 lines/inch80 columns-character mode<br>9 lines/inch480 dot columns-graphics mode<br>9 lines/inch-mixed mode||?||1/6 inch80 (Standard)<br>1/8 inch40 (Double)<br>7/72 inch132 (Condensed)<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable66 (Double Width Condensed)||1/6 inch80 (Standard)<br>1/8 inch40 (Double)<br>7/72 inch132 (Condensed)<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable66 (Double Width Condensed)||1/6 inch136 (standard)<br>1/8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable233 (condensed)||1/6 inch<br>1/8 inch<br>n/60 inch programmable<br>n/180 inch programmable?||1/6 inch<br>1/8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/60 inch programmable<br>n/180 inch programmable<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable?||?
|Line Feed SpeedRates||10 lines/sec (at 6 lines/inch)-character mode<br>15 9 lines/sec (at inch-graphics mode<br>9 lines/inch)-mixed mode||?||DMP2000: 200 mS(1/6 inch)<br>DMP2160: 160 ms1/8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable||DMP3000: 200 mS(1/6 inch)<br>DMP31601/3250di: 160ms, 8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable||1.04IPS/6 inch<br>1/8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable||100 mS(1/6 inch), <br>1.6IPS/8 inch<br>n/60 inch programmable<br>n/180 inch programmable||0.83IPS1/6 inch<br>1/8 inch<br>7/72 inch<br>n/60 inch programmable<br>n/180 inch programmable<br>n/216 inch programmable<br>n/72 inch programmable||0.83IPS?
|Paper TypeLine Feed Speed||4.5 to 10 inches acceptable lines/sec (pin to pin 4 to at 6 lines/inch)<br>15 lines/sec (at 9.5 incheslines/inch)||?||4.5 to 10 inches fan-fold DMP2000: 200 mS(tractor feed1/6 inch)<br>4 to 9.5 inches cut sheet or roll paper (friction feed)DMP2160: 160 ms||4.5 to 10 inches fan-fold DMP3000: 200 mS(tractor feed1/6 inch)<br>4 to 9DMP3160/3250di: 160ms, 1.5 inches cut sheet or roll paper (friction feed)04IPS||Tractor feed 100 mS(fan fold1/6 inch) - 3 to 16, 1.5 inches (75 to 420 mm)<br>Friction feed (cut sheet or roll) - 2 to 156IPS||0.5 inches (50 to 395 mm)83IPS||10 Inch..0.83IPS||15 Inch...?
|Number of CopiesPaper Type||Two including original<br>4.5 to 10 inches acceptable (Thickness 0pin to pin 4 to 9.15mm or less5 inches)||?||2 sheets 4.5 to 10 inches fan-fold (including originaltractor feed)<br>40 gsm pressure4 to 9.5 inches cut sheet or roll paper (friction feed)||4.5 to 10 inches fan-sensitive fold (tractor feed)<br>4 to 9.5 inches cut sheet or roll paper train(friction feed)||2 sheets Tractor feed (including originalfan fold) - 3 to 16.5 inches (75 to 420 mm)<br>40 gsm pressureFriction feed (cut sheet or roll) -sensitive paper train2 to 15.5 inches (50 to 395 mm)||Original plus two10 Inch...||Original plus one15 Inch...||Original plus two?
|InterfaceNumber of Copies||Parallel Two including original<br>(Centronics compatibleThickness 0.15mm or less)||Parallel (Centronics compatible)?||Parallel 2 sheets (Centronics compatibleincluding original)<br>40 gsm pressure-sensitive paper train||DMP3000/3160: Parallel 2 sheets (Centronics compatibleincluding original)<br>DMP3250di: additional RS232 interface40 gsm pressure-sensitive paper train||Parallel (Centronics compatible)Original plus two||LQ3500: Parallel (Centronics compatible)<br>LQ3500di: additional RS232 interfaceOriginal plus one||LQ5000di: Parallel (Centronics compatible) Original plus RS232 interfacetwo||Original only
|Ink RibbonInterface||Short lifetime...Parallel (Centronics compatible)||?Parallel (Centronics compatible)||Cassette Parallel (1 million characters per ribbonCentronics compatible)||Cassette DMP3000/3160: Parallel (1 million characters per ribbonCentronics compatible)<br>DMP3250di: additional RS232 interface||?Parallel (Centronics compatible)||?LQ3500: Parallel (Centronics compatible)<br>LQ3500di: additional RS232 interface||LQ5000di: Parallel (Centronics compatible) plus RS232 interface||?
|DimensionsInk Ribbon||447 (w) x 315 (d) x 114 (h)Short lifetime...||?||380 Cassette (w1 million characters per ribbon) x 250 (d) x 100 (h) mm||400 Cassette (w1 million characters per ribbon) x 250 (d) x 100 (h) mm||24 (w) x 14 (d) x 5 (h) inches<br>(600 x 350 x 120 mm)?||17.5"(W)x16"(D)x4"(H)<br>440x400x100 mm?||24"(W) x 15"(D) x 5"(H)<br>615x375x133 mm?||Laser Toner...
|WeightDimensions||4.8kg447 (w) x 315 (d) x 114 (h)||?||4.2kg380 (w) x 250 (d) x 100 (h) mm||4.2kg400 (w) x 250 (d) x 100 (h) mm||924 (w) x 14 (d) x 5 (h) inches<br>(600 x 350 x 120 mm)||17.5kg5"(W)x16"(D)x4"(H)<br>440x400x100 mm||24"(W) x 15"(D) x 5.9kg"(H)<br>615x375x133 mm||7.5kg?
|Weight||4.8kg||?||4.2kg||4.2kg||9.5kg||5.9kg||7.5kg||?|-|Mains Supply||220-240V AC 50Hz||?||220-240V AC 50Hz||220-240V AC 50Hz||220-240V AC 50Hz||220-240V AC 50Hz||220-240V AC 50Hz||?