
DMP2000 Buffer Upgrade Kit

216 bytes added, 13:28, 22 August 2010
The kit doesn't seem to be required for newer DMP printers - according to [[Media:LQ3500di and LQ5000di Leaflet (English).pdf|LQ3500di and LQ5000di Leaflet (English)]] and [[Media:AMSTPRINT Leaflet (Norwegian).pdf|DMP3160/DMP3250di/DMP4000/LQ3500/LQ3500di/LQ5000di AMSTPRINT Leaflet (Norwegian)]] - these do already have 8K Buffer RAM built-in.
According to german DMP service manuals, only DMP2000 and DMP2160 have 2K RAM (where the upgrade would make sense). Whilst DMP3000 and up do already contain 8K RAM built-in (so the upgrade wouldn't make any sense).