* [[DCP Interpacks]] (DCP Microdevelopments)
* [[Dust Covers]]
* [[FO-Dos cardDOS|FO-DOS Cartridge]] - a CPC6128 ROM (what is this?BIOS v3, BASIC v1.1) upgrade for the CPC464 (added 11 Auf 2006 by PulkoMandy[[Duchet Computers]])
* [[Fischertechnik Interface]] for use with the [[Fischertechnik Trainingsrobot]], the [[Fischertechnik Plotter/Scanner]], and the [[Fischertechnik Computing Experimental]] kit.
* [[HDCPC]] (what is this?) (added 21 August 2006 by (according to [[Dobbertin Harddisc|this page]], HDCPC is a modern IDE harddisk interace, but it's unknown who developed that thing?)