

918 bytes added, 14:53, 31 August 2006
As I'm humble CPC Wiki contributor and don't won't to mess with Gryzors and Prodatrons good work, I won't do it myself without permission(It's not mine to decide), but If I can make a suggestion, then, as the commercial section grows bigger and bigger,it should be splited in subsections like:<br>
Memory expansions<br>
(list of memory expansions goes here - dk'tronics', inicrons', CPC4MB and so on)<br>
(list of monitors, modulators, SCART cables and other graphic output solutions goes here)<br>
Disc Drives<br>
(Amstrads FD-1, Vortex drives and so on)<br>
Pointing devices<br>
(mouses and lightpens goes here)<br>
And so on like this...<br>
The only problem, is what to do with 'multifunction' peripherals like (i.e.) Symbiface. Those, can either be listed in couple subsections or there should be 'special' multifunction subsection for those devices.--[[User:Torn|Torn]] 16:53, 31 August 2006 (CEST)