
Mega Blasters

350 bytes added, 21:20, 4 August 2010
'''Mega Blasters''' has been created by [[Odiesoft ]] of [[HJT]]. The game was releases released on the Odiesoft Megablasters Release Party 1992 in Konstanz(Germany). On the release party is was possible to buy the game for a cheap price.The game was edited by [[Radical Software]] and came in Public Domain several years later. In France, the game was distributed by the [[AFC]], then directed by [[Candy]].
The game has some similarities to other "Blaster" games, but is a lot enhanced. There is a bit story around the single player mode. And there is a multiplayer mode too, 4 players together. This is one of the rare fullscreen games.
Once this game has been voted as the number one.
*Code : [[Odiesoft]]
*Music : [[Kangaroo]] and [[Crittersoap]]
*Graphics : [[Rex]]