

91 bytes added, 01:50, 8 July 2010
Released by [[Microprose]] in 1988.
This game was one of the best of its generation, with a depth and replay value far beyond so many productions.
This game It was one of the best of itported on most 80's generation, with standards : [[Commodore 64|C64]] (looks quite a deepth lot like the Amstrad CPC version), [[Atari|Atari ST]], [[Amiga]], [[PC]] and replay value far beyond so many productionsmore.
It was ported on most 80's standards Some new updated versions were made too : [[Commodore 64|C64]] "Pirates! Gold" (looks quite a lot like the amstrad CPC version), [[Atari|Atari ST]], [[Amiga]], [[with VGA colours on PC]] ) and morea modern PC "Sid Meier's Pirates!" 3D version in 2004.
Some new updated versions were made too : "Pirates! gold" (with VGA colours on PC) and a modern PC "Sid Meyer's Pirates!" 3D version in 2004.    It is notable for being one of the (too) rare 6128 specific game : only disk version and 128Ko Ram were supported.
In theory, 464 (+ disk drive) and 664 with Extra Ram upgrade should work. (maybe not ?)
It included a lot of Graphics (Mode 0) and musicsmusic.
Games sequences, possibilities and mechanics were varied.
Despite it's ultimate awesomeness, the Amstrad CPC port was a bit slow and Graphics could have been a bit better...
As they were probably ported from the C64 version.
Despite it's ultimate awesomness, the Amstrad CPC port was a bit slow and Graphics could have been a bit better...==Video==As they were probably ported from the C64 version.{{YT|pegEMu-j4l8}}
== Game map of the Caribbean==
[http[File://wwwPirates's_Pirates! Pirates! on wikipediajpg|thumb|none|350px]]
[ The lost taver] More infos about different versions of the game, manual and map downloads==Download==
*[http://www.c64-wikihomecomputerworld.decom/index.php/Pirates! Pirates! on the C64scneider-Wikicpc/spiele/p/ DSK image] (german)
== Game map Links==
<gallery caption="Game map of Pirates">*{{CPCPower|1643}}image*[http:Pirates map// The lost tavern] More infos about different versions of the game, manual and map downloads<*[http:/gallery>/! Pirates! on the C64-Wiki] (in German)*{{EnWiki|Sid_Meier's_Pirates!}}