
Speccy Port

44 bytes added, 01:57, 18 June 2010
/* Semi-lazy */
Examples :
*HeroQuest : still has monochrome feeling (2 blue shades being used) while actually being properly 2 bit re-coded...(ditherings Ditherings use 3 colours gradiants instead of the Speccy's 2, and the grey add a bit more colour feeling...sort of) ... bvut it fails due to a poor colour strategy.
*Strider has recoloured sprites, displaying no attributes, but Backgrounds remains monochrome.
*Shadow of the Beast : (perhaps...) No real 3-4 coloured ditherings or even "additionnal colours" thanks to dithering the 2 medium colours together, yet the square attributes are not displayed, while the speccy version remains monochrome (in game window, not HUD) in order to simply advert Colour clashes.