
Speccy Port

327 bytes added, 01:45, 18 June 2010
/* Rushed and Lazy */
The game is exactly as on speccy, even displaying graphical artefacts as Colour attributes, and/or monochrome display for the game's window (a shame on a computer told as Colour Personnal Computer) but not the HUD, which may even often feature extra colours thanks to Raster colour changes, yet this doesn't really help to see what happens on the game's window.
Also sprites may display Transparency/translucencywith background's colour, a typicall speccy "Feature" ("not a bug, a feature"... sic...).
Probably achieved by using the almost exact Speccy code and emulating the Speccy specificities (Attributes) on CPC.
Examples :
*Black Tiger : monochrome game with multicoloured HUD.
*PacMania : same as Black Tiger.
*R-type : Monochrome background while sprites still are coloured as with Colour attributes, hence even feturing less colours than original speccy game, while the entire screen still display more than the only 4 Mode1 colours...
*Super HanG on : graphics Transparency/translucency
*Enduro Racer : same as Super Hang On, even more displayed as Sprites cross the different coloured parts of the screen.
*Sabrina : same as Bionic commando...
*Gauntlet 3 : HUD is properly recoloured (3 shades) but in-game window is monochrome...(1bit coded sprites and tiles)
*R-type : Monochrome background while sprites still are "coloured" as with Colour attributes, hence even featuring less colours than original speccy game, while the entire screen still display more than the only 4 Mode1 colours...(HUD raster trick...)
This game was done in 3 weeks by only one man, who simply emulated the speccy stuff on CPC (couldn't do better in 3 weeks).
Thank god the speccy version was so good this game is still decent on CPC.
Some of those games were still good, as they were yet very good on Speccy, the Amstrad Portage wasn't enough to waste it. But those remained inferior to their original Speccy counterpart (which was oftem smoother or faster...).