
Speccy Port

268 bytes added, 01:15, 18 June 2010
/* Good Job */
Graphics, despite sharing a common ancestry, are well redone, and take into account the Amstrad power.
But sometimes those games are not that well "ported", yet the concept is such as this is not important, the game is simply too good to be wasted by such detail as the use of Mode1. *Head over heels : no attributes and the no-rastercolourchange policy enable to not waste CPU ressources uselessly, while the only 4 colours are cleverly choosen and used in a cartoon styled madness...
*Deflektor : could perhaps have been better yet the concept of the game makes it a clever port, also details like the Tape version loading parts or the good chiptunes enable a proper CPC experience.
*Switchblade : the GX4000 cartridge version is displaying extra features such as large vertical ditherings in a lot of Red shades (sky) or PLUS Hardwired sprites "patches" as extra coloured tiles...this is more than enough to get a properly coloured feeling.