
Schneider RS232 Interface

18 bytes added, 23:55, 11 May 2010
RS232 Interface for the CPC by [[Schneider]]. Schneider is the german distributor for Amstrad CPC hardware (however, this interface seems to be Schneider's own invention, not an [[Amstrad ]] product). == Clones ==
The original [[Schneider RS232 Interface]] was released around 1985. Two years later, in 1987, a software-compatible clone was released as DIY schematic in a german book ([[Maschinenspracheprogramme und Hardware-Erweiterungen für Schneider CPC's|link]]). Even later, around 1996, a copy of that DIY schematic also circulated in the internet ([[Tim Riemann's RS232 interface|link]]). The DIY port address, timings and handshake signals are exactly the same as in the original Schneider version - except that DCD (Data Carrier Detect) isn't implemented in the DIY version.