

9 bytes added, 00:01, 7 May 2010
/* Description */ internal links added
The following project describes how to construct an AMX compatible PS/2 and USB Mouse adapter for the Amstrad CPC. I’ve never actually owned an [[AMX Mouse|AMX mouse]], in fact I’ve never even seen one other than in pictures. Back in the 80s I had no need for one, but with GUIs like [[FutureOS ]] and SymbOS now available, I decided it was time to get my own…or own… or at least build an equivalent. Like other projects that I’ve shared in the community, I’ve tried to keep this project as simple as possible to construct and as cheap as possible to build, otherwise it scares people from trying to build it for themselves. That said, you will need to be proficient at soldering and possibly need to produce your own PCB, if you wish for your end product to look like the one above. I have also supplied a single sided layout, to make it easier for those of us who like to produce our own PCBs. While designing the circuit, I realised that most modern mice have a scroll wheel which wasn’t available back then on the AMX. As the CPC has a few inputs spare on the port (Joy2), I decided to make them accessible by binding them to the Joy2 up and down signals. Although this isn’t strictly AMX compatible, I thought the people at SymbOS or [[FutureOS]], might like to take advantage of them, so consider this adapter is AMX+ compatible.
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