
Understanding and Expanding your Amstrad CPC464-664/6128

803 bytes added, 19:41, 15 December 2010
/* Information */
[[Image:Expanding frontpage.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Frontpage]]
A book about expanding the CPC with DIY hardware expansions?
Author: Alan TrevenorA book about expanding the CPC with DIY hardware expansions.
Publisher: Sigma
Year== Information =={|{{Prettytable|width: ?700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|Title:|| '''Understanding and Expanding your Amstrad CPC-464/664/6128'''|-|Authors:|| Alan Trevennor|-|Publisher:|| [[Sigma Press]]|-|Year:|| 1986|-|Pages: ?|| 322|-|ISBN:|| '''1-85058-018-9'''|-|}
ISBN: ?== Contents ==
<pre> Preface. Contents. 1. Hardware overview.2. Z80 microprocessor primer.3. Hardware projects.4. Using Amstrad firmware.5. Developing assembler language programs.6. An advanced project. Appendix 1 - Circuit symbols and general constructional notes.Appendix 2 - Further reading.Appendix 3 - Useful chip data.Appendix 4 - Miscellaneous data-pin connections and ASCII character set.Appendix 5 - The CPC expansion bus.Appendix 6 - Begin here (for readers new to computers or new to hardware).Appendix 7 - The printer port. Index. </pre> [[Category:Books]] [[Category:Book cover]]