
Programming:Fast plot

122 bytes removed, 09:14, 24 August 2006
Changed &X into % - (old code which I used with another compiler)
FPLOT LD A, L ;A = Lowbyte Y
AND &X00000111 %00000111 ;isolate Bit 0..2
LD H, A ;= y MOD 8 to H
XOR L ;A = Bit 3..7 of Y
ADD HL, DE ;+ HL = Screenaddress
LD C, &X10001000 %10001000 ;Bitmask for MODE 1 AND &X00000011 %00000011 ;A = X MOD 4
JR Z, NSHIFT ;-> = 0, no shift
SHIFT SRL C ;move bitmask to pixel
RET ;done
NOTE: This MODE 1 code above won't assemble with WinAPE/Maxam unless the &X is replaced by % to denote binary numbers.