
Chip Tune

16 bytes added, 08:17, 9 February 2010
/* Amstrad's limitations */
*It has heavier graphics.
the 10Ko differencesof differences in needed graphic RAM betwen Speccy and CPC makes a lot of difference. Of course you could manage a better Ram /CPU ressources by disabling the screen display, yet this can't allows the use of the computer as a direct Musical instrument/mixing station.
Also the fact that ZX spectrum 128 and +2 and +3 were all supplied with 128Ko Ram while CPC/Plus ranges still included 64ko Ram computers (464-664).
This is somewhat of a shame, as the 6128+ would be a good machine for such purpose thanks to it's DMA channels and the possibility to put software on Cartridge/Rom.
Also as most ChipTune bands also feature video projectionsfrom the used computer in Live-performance, the CPC would shine too thx to its somewhat better graphic ability.
==AY Chip-Tune Live performances==