
Aleste 520EX

10 bytes added, 19:00, 3 February 2010
/* Keyboard */
== Keyboard ==
The Aleste uses a MSX keyboard, as seen by the characteristic five function keys. The mainboard contains some excessive TTL logic, assisted by the upper data bits of the VDKEY eprom, that translates the MSX matrix to a CPC matrix.  So, at I/O port level, the CPU "sees" a CPC matrix, not a MSX matrix. When running MSXDOS, this leads to the funny situation that MSXDOS must undo the hardware MSX-to-CPC translation by some software CPC-to-MSX translation.
The keyboard has some additional keys, which aren't on normal CPC keyboards:
* '''F1/F6, F2/F7, F3/F8, F4/F9, F5/F10''' - MSX-style function keys, mapped to keyboard row 10, bits 7,6,5,4,3.
* '''HELP, INS, b''' - additional keys, mapped to keyboard row 10, bits 2,1,0.
* '''R/L''' - Russian/Latin mode, mapped to keyboard row 9, bit6 (aka joystick Fire3).
* '''RES''' - Reset button, goes to /RESET signal.
* '''Four unknown keys''' - These keys (above the numeric keypad) may be unused, or having same function as other keys?