

281 bytes added, 14:20, 23 March 2022
Many grammatical edits
{{CPC games by genre}}This category contains all Role Play -Playing Games (RPGs) for the Amstrad/Schneider CPC computer range.
It is to note noteworthy that this kind of games genre was a bit un-exploited uncommon on Amstrad 8 -bit computercomputers. This is largely due to the fact that at the time, the best RPG producers were American or Japanese, markets where the Amstrad was sadly not very popular.
Mostly because at the timeHowever, the best RPG producers were american and japanese...lands were Amstrad didn't make it (sadly) Yet some few of these games were ported from ZX Spectrum and/or C64.
==American RPG==
Most The majority of them these are some kind manner of Dungeon and Dragons style adaptations.
You can often customise customize your characters through choice in class and races.
Typical Examplens ?A few examples of this:
*Bard's Tale.
*Might and Magic series.
*Dungeon and Dragons games from SSI (Golden Box engine, Baldur's gate, and so onetc.)
==Japanese RPG==
Most known for it's storytelling full of , cinematics , and lack of real choices or character's customisationcustomization.
==European RPG and the Amstrad==
Few of them these are present on the CPC.; most of pseudo RPG were in fact that are existing are actually text -based adventure games.
Yet A few proper RPG were produced titles do exist however:
*Black Land
*Fer & Flammes (fire and Flames)
*Le Maitre des âmes.
*Le Maitre absolu.
A lot of Many pseudo RPG -RPGs were mostly action games , with RPG mechanics or theme.
*Heroes of the lance.
Also it It is notable also noteworthy that the interface on the few proper RPG were a bit...quite old fashionned -fashioned, and lack lacking efficacity in by modern standards.
==Links and Articles on the matter==
*[[RPG]]*[ on the matter==jeux| CPC-Power entries for RPGs], only 37 games...
[[RPGCategory:Video games by genre]][[Category:Games Programming]]