

36 bytes added, 11:01, 21 November 2009
/* Objets/Sprites subsytem */
The routines used to put sprites/objects to the rendering system (#8D08,#8D70,#8DDE,#8E34) take the following parameters :
*HL sprite graphics address
*D,E sprite dimension in char units (width,height,width)
*B,C sprite position in char units (y,x)
Sprite graphics are composed of theses structures:
*1 byte BYTE : attribute (afaik only used for color after AND 3)*BYTE*8 bytes : 1bit graphics , only presents present if attribute <> #36
there are 2 routines to solve sprite dimensions and adress from a sprite number in A : #8E97 for basic sprites (héro,modules,weapons,logo,etc...) and #8E90 for levels sprites.Theses routines return pixels address in HL and dimensions in char units in D,E.
Sprites tables are composed of theses structures :
*BYTE widthheight in char units*BYTE heightwidth in char units
*WORD pixels address
The basic sprites table if located at #BC67 and level sprites adress table address can be found at (#C4BA)
[[User:Fano|Fano]] 10:43, 21 November 2009 (UTC)