

337 bytes added, 13:20, 6 November 2009
*@ Arnoldemu : thx for your comment, it is very interesting indeed...Maybe we should try to improove the actual CPC version by more properly convert the graphics ?
If the code still includes Speccy's colours attributes, it is then probably a waste of memory indeed, as CPC does not work like this. Also if the attribute's Data are Copied (so use twice as memory for nothing) it may be better to properly recode Graphics then in proper Amstrad Mode1 instead of 1 bit code+ attributes.
As the source code is not that bad too, because enemies patterns ' pattern and weapons weapon systems are well done, and the mode 1 graphics may be reussed to reused too if properly re-coloured (As I did a bit). Also the source Amstrad Code does include a Raster, to display the red HUD.This may be used betterly with addition of even more colours in said HUD.
Also, does the games use extra memory from a 6128 ? If not, this may give us some room to add stuffs and correct others...
And some PLUS features could also be used well in a 128Ko ram version.
So dear ArnoldEmu, if you are willing to share your informationinformations, I am interested, as my friend Fano is looking for a R-type like game project calld [[Wildfire]], and is also currently working on a 6128Plus adaptation/mod of Rick Dangerous. He was looking for how to code R-Type like weapons properly for his Wildfire project, if you analised R-Type codes, this may be usefull for him.
[[MacDeath]]-6 nov 2009