

5,891 bytes added, 23:59, 15 October 2020
/* Cover */
[[Image:Feud 1 Cover.JPG|thumb|right|250px|Feud game cover]]
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|Title:|| '''Feud'''
|Company:|| [[Mastertronic]]
|Type:|| 3D Maze
|Year:|| 1987
|No of Players:|| 1
|Language:|| English
== Description ==
The player takes the role of Learic, moving through the Kingdom collecting ingredients and casting spells, which you use against the opposing Wizard Leanoric. Leanoric meanwhile is doing exactly the same thing to you.
== Plot ==
The following text is not full of spelling mistakes, their aim was to imply an English country accent (possibly West Country?)
"No one knows 'ow long they have been 'ere; even old Albert don't recall 'em comin' an' 'e reckons 'e might be over 'undred! We didn't mind when they kept themselves to themselves. I mean all we wants is a bit o' piece and an' quiet an' leave to go about our business. We're simple folk 'ere in Little Dullford and we can't be doin' with magic an' spells. I never did 'old with folk meddlin' in things best left alone. We'd see 'em o'course; in the forest pickin' toadstools an' suchlike, or p'raps one would pop into Tubby Hieke's shop for 'erbs an' stuff, but by an' large they left us normal folk alone, and that's 'ow we like it.
They'd 'ad arguments before, we all know that. Well, readin' them magic books all day they can't be right in the 'ead can they? Anyway, two summers back, or maybe three (I remember because that was the year Albert's donkey died), old Leanoric (he's the older one I think), he turned 'is brother Learic into a frog! His own brother! but he turned 'im back after a week an' at least they didn't bother us.
Two weeks back, all this changed; first the forest went quiet for a few days, not even a sparra' dared to make a sound. Then the noises began, first shoutin' then all manner o' bangs, explosions and things best not thought about. Yesterday, old Leanoric upped an' left an' moved to another 'ut on t'uther side o' village. Hieke (who knows 'em better 'n most), reckons they's about to start a feudin' an' woe betide the poor soul who gets in their way. That as maybe but there's strange things afoot in this 'ere village an' no mistake. It don't take no fancy book learnin' to figger we ain't seen the last o' this, you mark my words."
== Loading Instructions ==
{| align="center" border="1"
| '''Amstrad 464'''
| Press CNTRL and small ENTER
| '''Amstrad 664/6128'''
| Type &#124;TAPE and press RETURN<br/>Press CNTRL and small ENTER
<p style="text-align: center;">'''CONTROL KEYS'''</p><div align="center"><center>
{| border="1"
| colspan="2" | '''Joystick or Keys.'''
| '''Left'''
| O
| '''Right'''
| P
| '''Up'''
| Q
| '''Down'''
| A
| '''Fire'''
== Hints ==
[[Image:Ingredients.jpg|thumb|My home-made Spell & Ingredients Chart - 1/11/06]]
<p style="text-align: center;">'''Mixing Spells'''</p>
Stand behind your cauldron. Press fire button and move the joystick left and right to turn the pages of the spell book. When the book is open to the required spell release the fire button. If you have both the ingredients, this is shown in red lettering in the spell book, the spell will be mixed and you will be armed with it.
<p style="text-align: center;"><br/>'''Casting Spells'''</p>
To cast a spell you need to he armed with it. This is done at the mixing stage. Pressing the fire button will cast the spell. Some spells may be used only once whilst others may be used a number of times. Different spells can be cast by turning the spell book pages whilst holding down the fire button, similar to mixing spells.
<p style="text-align: center;">'''Spells and their Ingredients'''</p>
{| align="center" border="1"
| style="text-align: center;" height="19" | '''SPELL'''
| style="text-align: center;" height="19" | '''INGREDIENTS'''
| height="19" | 1. TELEPORT
| height="19" | DANDYLION & BURDOCK
| height="19" | 2. PROTECT
| height="19" | PIPERWORT & RAGWORT
| height="19" | 3. SPRITES
| height="19" | SNAPDRAGON & TOADFLAX
| height="19" | 4. ZOMBIE
| height="19" | DEVILSBIT & BONES
| height="19" | 5. SWIFT
| height="19" | SPEEDWELL & MAD SAGE
| height="19" | 6. FREEZE
| height="19" | BIND WEED & BOD WEED
| height="38" | 7. DOPPLEGANGER
| height="38" | FOX GLOVE & CATSEAR
| height="19" | 8. INVISIBLE
| height="19" | CHONDRILLA & HEMLOCK
| height="19" | 9. REVERSE
| height="19" | THISTLE & SKULLCAP
| height="19" | 10. HEAL
| height="19" | BALM & FEVERFEW
| height="19" | 11. FIREBALL
| height="19" | 12. LIGHTNING
| height="19" | CUD WEED & KNAP WEED
<p style="text-align: center;">'''''Collecting Herds'''''</p>
Stand in front of the herb and walk towards it. The Wizard will bend down and pick it up. Successful picking of the herb will be shown on the spell book.
<p style="text-align: center;">'''Some Important Points'''</p>
#You can only teleport when other characters cannot see you and always teleport to your cauldron.
#Pressing Return centralises your character on the screen.
#Offensive spells (Sprites, Fireball, Lightning) can be dodged, but you cannot simply run away from the attack ... You are not a coward.
#Villagers and Travellers can be changed into Zombies. Travellers always walk along the road and being strong willed, even as Zombies, do not obey your commands. Villagers being of low intelligence are more susceptible to orders when in a Zombie state and will walk in the direction you indicate but won’t leave the limits of their own territory.
#Compass points to Leanoric.
== Cover ==
== Download ==
* [[Media:Feud_(1987)(Bulldog).zip|]] (DSK for Emulators) - Taken from [| The Old Computers] web site