
<pre>;; An example boot sector.
;; The boot sector is located on track 0, side 0,sector &amp;41, and ;; is executed with a |CPM command. A maximum of 512 bytes will be loaded to &amp;100
;; in RAM. This sector *must* exist for the disc to be started with the |CPM command.
;; If the disc is formatted to SYSTEM or VENDOR format, then the directory
;; will start on track 2, side 0, sector &amp;41. Otherwise, the disc may use
;; a custom format for the remainder of track 0 and subsequent tracks.
;; The boot sector is loaded to &amp;100 in memory and executed.
org &amp;100
.km_wait_char equ &amp;bb06.txt_output equ &amp;bb5a
;; display a message
ld hl,message
call printdisplay_message
;; wait for a keypress
call km_wait_char
defb "Hello, this is a boot sector program",0